Understanding The Different Swedish Massage Techniques

By Julie Polson

Swedish massage is a type of therapy designed to enhance one's physiological and emotional health. It not only effectively reduces stress, but also promotes healthy circulation and lessens the severity of certain types of chronic pain. Its therapeutic effects are achieved through the use of five primary techniques: friction, vibration, petrisuage, effleurage, and tapotement.

A massage of this type generally begins with effleurage. The latter is a smooth gliding maneuver covering long distances on one's body. For example, practitioners may move their hands from the individual's neck to the bottom of his or her spine or from the tips of the patient's fingers to his or her shoulder area.

Strokes of this kind are usually performed toward the heart area for the purpose of increasing lymphatic and blood circulation. Ligament relaxation is also a primary objective of such strokes, as is the relaxing of various connective tissues such as muscles and ligaments. Approximately 30% of the therapy session is generally spent on this technique.

Petrisauge usually follows the aforementioned technique. This technique is primarily centered on the gentle elevation of the client's muscles from the bones over which they are situated. Numerous kneading and squeezing maneuvers are utilized throughout this part of the massage with a goal of increased circulation in the deep veins and lymphatic vessels. This technique is also performed to assist one to excrete toxins from his or her soft tissues.

The next technique associated with Swedish massage is tapotement. This involves the percussive striking of the client's muscles and is usually performed at a rapid pace. Three primary benefits are associated with this maneuver, which are the promotion of relaxation, relief from muscle spasms, and healthy muscle stimulation.

The deepest maneuver performed by a Swedish masseuse is friction. This involves applying circular movements to the patient's deep tissues. Practitioners typically perform this technique in the area of the joints. It is thought to both improve circulation and also increase one's range of motion and joint flexibility.

Vibration involves the shaking of one's arms, legs and back. It is generally only administered for up to thirty seconds. It enhances circulation and promotes appropriate muscle contraction. Clients suffering from continuous low back pain frequently find this maneuver beneficial.

Those who are interested in Swedish massage should seek a qualified professional to perform the techniques listed above. However, it is wise to choose such an individual with care after reading online reviews or obtaining word-of-mouth referrals from friends or coworkers. Regardless of the purpose for which one is seeking such a massage, he or she will likely find the experience both invigorating and relaxing.

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